The Whole Review- Vol. 4 Issue I Mar-Apr '23 (page 14
& 15)

From Food and Music, American Modern Ensemble NYC:
"(Pianist) McMillen returned with soprano Jacqueline
Bruce, for a
well-conceived set including Bernstein's La Bonne Cuisine: Four Recipes
for Voice and Piano, and William Bolcom's riotous send-up of regrettable
salads, Lime Jello Marshmallow Cottage Cheese Surprise, the latter
particular advantage of Bruce's persona and vocal pyrotechnics. (And
actual recipe, presumably followed faithfully by Ms. Bruce, made an
appearance at the post-concert reception.)" MusicWeb International
From Masaniello Furioso, Staatsoper Stuttgart:
"In the role of Aloysia Jacqueline Bruce lent a
bright, yet robust soprano
to her emotional characterization." Frankfurter Allgemeine
"The ensemble of young singers suffers no losses
with the tone of Keiser's
opera. In particular, Jacqueline Bruce as Aloysia convinced through
expression, nuances and fine phrasing." Pforzheimer News
"Jacqueline Bruce was one of those rare, free and
unwavering sopranos who
soar through glittering sunshine." Opera News Magazine
"Bruce completely convinced in the role of Aloysia
through the youthful ease and natural beauty of her singing."
Das Opernglas Magazin
"As the coquette Aloysia, Bruce exhibited vocal
virtuosic styling." Musikforum
"Among the Stuttgarter singers, especially delightful
was Jacqueline
Bruce's saucy Aloysia." Neue Zuercher Zeitung
"Jacqueline Bruce, profiled between her husband
and suitor, gave a richly
melodious, but also refreshingly natural portrayal of Aloysia."
Der Neue Merker
From Il Ritorno Ulisse in Patria, Staatsoper Stuttgart:
"As Giunone, Jacqueline Bruce exuded truly devine
melodiousness." Stuttgarter Nachrichten
From W.A. Mozart's Requiem, Figuralchor der Gedaechtniskirche
"Bruce sang with great power and emotion."
Stuttgarter Nachrichten
From Stars von Morgen, ARTE Film and Television Network:
"Jacqueline Bruce is one to watch: a radiant young
soprano with a special
gift." Opera Forum
From L'Orfeo, Staatsoper Stuttgart:
"...achingly beautiful." Reutlinger General
"Jacqueline Bruce's clear, shining soprano made
one regret that Euridice
has so little to sing." Opera News Magazine
"Jacqueline Bruce is a vocally wonderful, gentle
and flexible
Euridice." Opernwelt
gorgeously sung." Esslinger Zeitung
"The fine Jacqueline Bruce, in truth, is worth
every battle." Financial
"Jacqueline Bruce portrayed a moving Euridice through
her warmly colored
soprano." Das Opernglas Magazine